
Understanding Ozempic Lawsuit

Posted on December 15, 2023 by

Categories: Mass Tort Discussions

Ozempic, a medication designed to manage type 2 diabetes, has gained popularity in recent years. However, with its widespread use, concerns have arisen, leading to a surge in Ozempic lawsuits. Lets dive into  the demographics of those affected, the qualifications for participation, the responsibility of the pharmaceutical company, and the opportunities available for law firms engaged in this mass tort.

Demographics and Qualifiers:

Ozempic lawsuits have attracted individuals from diverse backgrounds, all bound by their experience with the drug. Typically, those affected include:

  • Patients experiencing severe side effects: Individuals who have suffered adverse reactions to Ozempic, such as pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, or kidney problems.
  • Families of deceased patients: In tragic cases where Ozempic use may have contributed to the death of a patient, their families may seek legal recourse.
  • Individuals with pre-existing conditions: Some patients with pre-existing health conditions may have experienced exacerbated issues due to the use of Ozempic.
  • Qualifications for Lawsuit Participation:
  • Participating in an Ozempic lawsuit requires meeting specific criteria. The top qualifiers include:

Documented Health Issues: Claimants must provide documented evidence of health issues related to Ozempic usage, such as medical records, test results, and expert opinions.

Proximate Causation:Establishing a direct link between Ozempic use and the reported health issues is crucial. Plaintiffs must demonstrate that their injuries were a direct result of taking the medication.

Statute of Limitations: Lawsuits must be filed within the designated time frame prescribed by the statute of limitations, which varies by jurisdiction. Seeking legal advice promptly is essential.

Company Responsibility:

The responsibility for the alleged misuse or wrongful prescription of Ozempic falls on the pharmaceutical company, Novo Nordisk. Possible claims against the company include:

  • Failure to Warn: Accusations that the company failed to adequately warn patients and healthcare providers about potential risks and side effects associated with Ozempic.
  • Negligent Marketing: Allegations that Novo Nordisk engaged in misleading marketing practices, promoting Ozempic without providing a full disclosure of its potential risks.
  • Inadequate Testing: Claims that the company did not conduct sufficient testing to identify and address potential health risks associated with Ozempic.

Opportunities for Law Firms:

Law firms specializing in mass tort cases have an opportunity to represent clients affected by Ozempic and seek justice on their behalf. This includes:

Client Advocacy: Representing clients who have suffered harm due to Ozempic, advocating for fair compensation and justice.

Class Action Lawsuits: Law firms can consolidate individual cases into class action lawsuits, streamlining legal proceedings and providing a collective voice for those affected.

Ozempic lawsuits highlight the importance of holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for the safety of their products. As affected individuals seek legal recourse, law firms play a crucial role in advocating for justice and compensation. Understanding the demographics of those affected, the qualifications for participation, and the responsibilities of the company is essential for both potential claimants and legal professionals involved in these cases.

Unraveling the PFAS Lawsuit: Top 10 Medical Conditions and Expected Payouts

Posted on December 6, 2023 by

Categories: Lead Generation Mass Tort Discussions

In recent years, a growing number of individuals have found themselves entangled in a legal battle against the manufacturers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These synthetic chemicals, commonly found in everyday products like non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, and firefighting foam, have sparked a wave of health concerns. As a result, a PFAS lawsuit has emerged, with claimants seeking compensation for the detrimental health effects linked to prolonged exposure to these substances.

The PFAS Lawsuit Explained:

The PFAS lawsuit revolves around the alleged negligence of companies that manufactured and distributed products containing PFAS without adequately warning consumers about the potential health risks. Plaintiffs argue that they were unknowingly exposed to harmful levels of these chemicals, leading to a variety of serious medical conditions.

Top 10 Medical Conditions Qualifying for the PFAS Lawsuit:

Cancer (Various Types): Studies have linked PFAS exposure to an increased risk of several cancers, including kidney, testicular, and thyroid cancer.

Liver Damage: Prolonged exposure to PFAS has been associated with liver disorders, including liver damage and liver cancer.

Thyroid Disorders: PFAS may interfere with thyroid function, leading to conditions such as hypothyroidism and other thyroid-related disorders.

Immune System Complications: PFAS exposure has been linked to immune system suppression, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Reproductive Issues: Some studies suggest that PFAS may contribute to reproductive problems, including infertility, pregnancy complications, and developmental issues in children.

Chronic Kidney Disease: There is evidence to suggest a correlation between PFAS exposure and the development of chronic kidney disease.

Neurological Disorders: PFAS may impact the nervous system, potentially leading to neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and other cognitive impairments.

High Cholesterol: Elevated levels of PFAS in the body have been associated with an increased risk of high cholesterol, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.

Ulcerative Colitis: Some studies have found a potential link between PFAS exposure and inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis.

Asthma and Respiratory Issues: Prolonged exposure to PFAS may contribute to respiratory problems, including asthma and other lung disorders.

While the outcome of the PFAS lawsuit is still unfolding, the sheer scale of the litigation suggests that the potential payouts could be substantial. Claimants may seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from PFAS exposure.

As the PFAS lawsuit progresses, it sheds light on the importance of corporate responsibility and the need for stringent regulations to protect consumers from harmful chemicals. The list of medical conditions associated with PFAS exposure underscores the urgency of addressing the impact of these substances on public health. While the legal process continues, individuals affected by PFAS exposure are hopeful that justice will be served, and adequate compensation will be provided for the physical and emotional toll they have endured.

Understanding the Bard PowerPort Catheter Mass Tort: Opportunities for Attorneys and Expected Outcomes

Posted on August 31, 2023 by

Categories: Mass Tort Discussions

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The medical device industry is experiencing a surge in mass tort cases, and one such case that has garnered significant attention in recent days is the Bard PowerPort Catheter mass tort. This legal matter revolves around allegations related to the Bard PowerPort Catheter, a medical device used for intravenous therapies. Let’s delve into what the case entails, the opportunities it presents for attorneys and law firms, and the expected outcomes.

The Bard PowerPort Catheter Mass Tort: 

Device Background: The Bard PowerPort Catheter is a medical device implanted beneath the skin, used to administer medications, chemotherapy, and other treatments directly into the bloodstream. It is designed to provide a more convenient and less painful method for patients requiring long-term intravenous therapies.

Allegations: The mass tort case revolves around allegations that the Bard PowerPort Catheter has been linked to various complications, including infections, device migration, catheter fractures, and even the need for surgical removal.

Manufacturer’s Responsibility: Plaintiffs argue that the manufacturer, C.R. Bard, failed to adequately warn healthcare professionals and patients about the potential risks associated with the device. They claim that these alleged shortcomings have resulted in physical and emotional distress, medical expenses, and in some cases, death.

Participating in the Bard PowerPort Catheter mass tort presents several opportunities for attorneys and law firms:

Attorneys can represent individuals who have suffered due to complications related to the Bard PowerPort Catheter. This includes seeking compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. Attorneys have the chance to build strong cases by gathering evidence, medical records, and expert testimonies to establish the link between the device and the alleged complications. 

The Bard PowerPort Catheter mass tort underscores the complex interplay between medical devices, patient safety, and legal responsibility. Attorneys and law firms have a crucial role to play in advocating for those affected by alleged complications, and the outcomes of these cases could potentially result in improved patient safety measures and compensation for plaintiffs. As the legal proceedings unfold, it will be important to monitor the developments and potential impact on the medical device industry and patient care.

Exploring the Medtronic Mass Tort: Qualifiers, Cases, and Opportunities

Posted on August 24, 2023 by

Categories: Mass Tort Discussions

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In the realm of mass tort litigation, a new name has emerged in recent times that is capturing the attention of legal professionals and plaintiffs alike – Medtronic. With a slew of cases lining up, this medical technology company is facing legal challenges that have spurred interest in the legal community. Let’s delve into the Medtronic mass tort, the allegations, expected cases, and the opportunities it presents for law firms.

Medtronic, a prominent player in the medical device industry, is at the center of product liability claims related to its various medical devices. Allegations include defects, malfunctions, and inadequate warnings.

Individuals who have suffered injuries or complications due to the alleged defects in Medtronic’s products are potential plaintiffs in the mass tort. This can range from patients who have received defective medical devices to their families who have been impacted.

The mass tort revolves around shared legal questions, such as whether Medtronic’s products were inherently flawed, whether the company failed to provide adequate instructions or warnings, and whether affected individuals are entitled to compensation.

Expected Cases to be Settled:

Insulin Pump Malfunctions: Medtronic’s insulin pumps, crucial for managing diabetes, have reportedly faced issues like inaccurate dosing, software glitches, and even device recalls. Cases related to these malfunctions are expected to form a significant portion of the mass tort.

Defective Surgical Equipment: Some lawsuits involve allegations of defective surgical equipment, such as faulty cardiac leads or spinal devices, which could have led to serious health complications for patients.

Inadequate Warnings: Plaintiffs may argue that Medtronic failed to provide adequate warnings about the risks associated with its products, potentially putting patients at undue risk.

The Medtronic mass tort represents a substantial legal market due to the widespread impact of alleged product defects, providing law firms with the potential for significant financial gains.

With a growing number of affected individuals seeking compensation for their injuries, law firms that obtain leads for the Medtronic mass tort can tap into a high-demand market for their expertise and representation.

Successfully handling cases within the Medtronic mass tort can boost a law firm’s reputation as a trusted advocate for consumer rights, leading to increased client referrals and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Law firms can leverage their involvement in the Medtronic mass tort to launch targeted public awareness campaigns, further solidifying their brand as advocates for justice and consumer protection.

Incorporating Medtronic mass tort cases into a law firm’s practice can offer a range of benefits, from financial growth to professional recognition, ultimately strengthening the firm’s position in the legal marketplace.

The Medtronic mass tort presents a significant legal challenge with numerous qualifiers, expected cases, and opportunities for law firms. As the litigation progresses, the outcomes will likely shape the landscape of medical device liability law and reinforce the role of legal professionals in advocating for the rights of those affected.

The Resurgence of Mass Tort Asbestos: What Attorneys Can Expect in 2023

Posted on August 10, 2023 by

Categories: Mass Tort Discussions

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Mass tort cases involving asbestos have been a significant legal battleground for years, as victims seek justice and compensation for the health risks posed by this harmful mineral. In 2023, the mass tort asbestos litigation is set to make a resurgence with new details, igniting fresh discussions and challenges in the legal realm. Attorneys should brace themselves for an evolving landscape as they navigate the complexities of these cases.

Understanding Mass Tort Asbestos: A Recap

Asbestos, once commonly used in construction and various industries, has been linked to severe health conditions such as lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. Mass tort cases arise when numerous individuals file lawsuits against a common defendant or group of defendants, seeking compensation for damages suffered due to asbestos exposure.

The 2023 Relaunch: New Details

The mass tort asbestos litigation is relaunching in 2023, bringing with it new dimensions and intricacies. Here are some key aspects that attorneys can expect:

Updated Medical Evidence: As medical research advances, new evidence may emerge linking asbestos exposure to additional health conditions or providing further insights into existing ones. Attorneys will need to stay updated on the latest medical findings to build strong cases for their clients.

Evolving Regulations: Regulatory standards regarding asbestos use and exposure limits may have evolved since previous litigation waves. Attorneys must be well-versed in the current regulatory landscape to effectively argue their cases.

Corporate Responsibility: Companies that manufactured or used asbestos-containing products are likely to face intensified scrutiny. Attorneys will need to navigate complex corporate structures and trace liability accurately.

Compensation Models: The calculation of compensation for victims can evolve based on inflation, medical costs, and other factors. Attorneys should be prepared to handle sophisticated compensation models to ensure their clients receive just remuneration.

The evolving nature of asbestos mass torts in 2023 presents attorneys with a range of exciting opportunities to excel in this dynamic legal field.

Advancing Technology: Attorneys can leverage technology for streamlined case management, evidence organization, and efficient communication with clients.

Specialization: Attorneys can establish themselves as experts in this niche area of law, attracting clients seeking knowledgeable representation.

Collaboration: The complexity of mass tort cases encourages collaboration among legal professionals, allowing for the exchange of insights and strategies.

The resurgence of mass tort asbestos litigation in 2023 promises a dynamic legal landscape for attorneys. With new medical evidence, evolving regulations, and shifting corporate responsibilities, attorneys must be prepared to tackle fresh challenges while capitalizing on the opportunities presented by advancing technology and specialized expertise. As the legal battle unfolds, the pursuit of justice for asbestos exposure victims continues to be at the forefront.

Top Mass Torts of 2023: Holding Corporations Accountable for Consumer Safety

Posted on August 2, 2023 by

Categories: Uncategorized

As we step into the year 2023, a slew of mass tort cases has captured the attention of both the public and legal communities. These mass torts involve large-scale lawsuits against corporations that allegedly put profits before consumer safety, causing harm to countless individuals and families. Today we will delve into some of the top mass torts of 2023, shedding light on the cases involving Camp Lejeune, Hair Straightener, Baby Formula, PFAS Contamination, Exactech Product Liability, Asbestos, and Hernia Mesh.

Camp Lejeune Contamination:

Camp Lejeune, a United States Marine Corps base in North Carolina, has been at the center of one of the most significant mass torts in recent years. The contamination of the base’s drinking water with toxic chemicals such as benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), and perchloroethylene (PCE) has led to numerous health issues among military personnel and their families stationed there between the 1950s and 1980s. Diseases such as cancer, birth defects, and neurological disorders have been linked to the contaminated water supply, resulting in an unprecedented legal battle against the U.S. government and the corporations responsible for the pollution.

Hair Straightener Products:

The beauty industry faces scrutiny in 2023 as hair straighteners containing harmful chemicals have led to severe health problems for consumers. Formaldehyde, a common ingredient in some hair straightening products, has been linked to respiratory issues, skin irritations, and even cancer. Manufacturers and retailers of these products are facing mass tort litigation from thousands of individuals seeking justice for their compromised health and well-being.

Baby Formula Contamination:

In another disturbing case, certain brands of baby formula have been found to contain dangerous contaminants that pose serious health risks to infants. The negligent practices of some manufacturers have resulted in infants experiencing severe illnesses, developmental delays, and even fatalities. Parents affected by this heart-wrenching situation have initiated mass tort actions against the baby formula companies, seeking accountability and compensation for their losses.

PFAS Contamination:

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have emerged as a major environmental and health concern in recent years. These chemicals, commonly used in industrial and consumer products, have contaminated water supplies in various communities, leading to adverse health effects such as cancer, immune system disorders, and hormonal imbalances. The PFAS contamination mass tort involves lawsuits against chemical manufacturers, polluters, and even government entities responsible for regulating and managing these hazardous substances.

Exactech Product Liability Cases

Medical device manufacturer Exactech is facing a significant mass tort involving product liability claims. Allegations suggest that certain medical devices produced by the company, including joint replacements and orthopedic implants, have been defective and caused significant harm to patients. This has resulted in extensive legal battles as affected patients seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages due to these faulty medical devices.

Asbestos-Related Cases

While asbestos has been known for decades to cause severe health issues, the mass tort involving asbestos exposure continues to grow in 2023. Asbestos is still present in various older buildings, and individuals who were exposed to this toxic substance have developed life-threatening conditions like mesothelioma and lung cancer. Mass tort actions are ongoing against asbestos manufacturers, employers, and property owners who knowingly or negligently exposed individuals to this harmful material.

Hernia Mesh Complications

Hernia mesh is a medical device used to repair hernias, but some products have been linked to severe complications. Patients who received defective or improperly installed hernia mesh implants have reported experiencing chronic pain, infections, mesh erosion, and additional surgeries. The mass tort involving hernia mesh has led to legal action against medical device manufacturers responsible for producing and distributing these problematic products.

The top mass torts of 2023 highlight the ongoing need to hold corporations accountable for prioritizing profits over consumer safety. These cases demonstrate the far-reaching consequences of negligence and misconduct, affecting countless individuals and their families. As the legal battles continue, they serve as a reminder of the importance of consumer protection and the pursuit of justice for those who have suffered due to the actions of big corporations. Through these mass torts, society is encouraged to demand better safety standards and transparency, urging companies to prioritize the well-being of their consumers over monetary gains.

What Makes A Good Legal Lead Generator?

Posted on June 21, 2019 by

Categories: Lead Generation Uncategorized

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If you’re a lawyer, you probably get several sales inquiries per week (maybe per day!) about buying legal leads or a related marketing service. Everyone claims they can deliver tons of new leads, all super high quality with a high case conversion rate. Unfortunately, after testing many of these so called “best practice” lead providers , many lawyers discover that finding high quality lead suppliers is often very difficult and time consuming, and they just don’t have the time to weed through all the bad ones to discover the gems! And it’s the gems that will catapult your firm to higher revenues with lucrative conversion rates.  I find it ironic that the bad players pull a quasi-false advertising scam in the legal industry, on lawyers, none the less! I guess that takes some balls!

The biggest problem with data quality is lead sourcing.

Aggregator versus Direct Marketer:  An aggregator collects leads from various 3rd party affiliates then markets them to your law firm like a broker or middle-man. The problem with this method is the uncertainty of lead origination and inability to control quality. Which sites were the leads sourced from? When did the customer actually complete the lead form? How did the lead aggregator get the lead information? Often times old leads are recirculated with new data which leads to low contact rates. Many times when you contact these leads they have no memory of completing a form. This creates poor conversion rates, wasted time and a lot of frustration.  In contrary, a direct marketer has their own lead generation websites and drives traffic via various online and offline marketing channels to their sites. If they use affiliates, they require the affiliates to send traffic to these sites and do not allow affiliates to post data into their forms. Direct marketers will have higher quality traffic and might even have lower prices since they cut out the broker.

Ask these questions to your prospective lead provider:   Are you an aggregator or direct marketer? Do you generate your own leads or do you use 3rd party affiliates? What percentage of your leads comes from 3rd party affiliates? What are the URLs of the websites where your leads come from?

Then there’s data validation.

When you contact new leads via phone, text or email, how many are you unable to contact? We’ve heard that most in-take centers have a 30-40% first time contact rate. That’s terrible. These are supposed to be live leads with an urgent issue and want to speak to a lawyer. The problem is that when the leads are sourced, most lead providers do no validation of the customer’s contact information to ensure you get correct information. To solve this issue, insist that your lead providers validate every email address and phone #. This is a paid service which is why many refuse to add this functionality. But for the lead providers who invest some money to ensure quality, you’ll be the beneficiary of higher contact rates and conversion rates.

To pre-pay or not to pre-pay, that is the question.

For many years the lead generation industry has sold lawyers a model that says you have to prepay $20K, $50K or even more to get leads. Then you wait for the lead delivery. If they have other clients, you’ll likely be in some form of round-robin, which means you have to wait even longer for quality leads. The bigger they get, the more clients they have in your area, and the cycle of waiting continues. If they are a new lead provider, can you trust them to deliver your pre-paid investment in a reasonable amount of time?

Outside of the legal industry, most lead generation companies invoice their customers after you accept the leads. Some require an initial deposit, while others simply manage new clients using test campaigns. Slow ramp up, establish lead quality, weekly invoices, then upon a successful test, volume is increased. You pay for the leads delivered! It puts the client in the driver seat, not the other way around.  Next time you work with a lead generator, insist that you do not want to pre-pay for leads.

CaseClients is a direct marketer who generates 100% of their leads from sites we own and operate. We have a long list of sites we can provide so you can see exactly what your customer sees and the process or form they must complete before you get the lead. CaseClients completes an extensive amount of data validation on phone and email address to ensure high contact rates. CaseClients does not require you to pre-pay for leads. These things are what makes CaseClients a great partner for your legal lead generation needs.

Admediary Launches CaseClients for Personal Injury and Mass Tort Marketing

Posted on June 5, 2019 by

Categories: Uncategorized

LOS ANGELES, June 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – with the launch of the CaseClients division, Admediary has greatly increased its presence as a leader in the Legal marketing industry. CaseClients was created to help attorneys and law firms with their marketing efforts, while providing Admediary the ability to explicitly showcase its high volume, high converting legal leads.

CaseClients owns and operates a large suite of consumer facing website brands to generate leads, with a strong focus on quality and compliance. Best of breed technology platforms are integrated to ensure phone and email validation, as well as TCPA compliance. The combination of an in-house media buying team and external media channels provides all CaseClients partners with a steady flow of consumers seeking legal services.

“Our proprietary technology uses decisioning logic to deliver legal leads that match the exact requirements of the lawyer or law firm, then delivers the information securely in real-time” said SVP of Media & Client Services, Adam Trentacoste. “It’s an exciting time for Admediary, and CaseClients is another step towards our goal of being the leader in performance-based customer acquisition.”

Since 2014, Admediary has provided exclusive, compliant, real-time consumer leads to attorneys across the US, and currently generates over 20,000 legal leads per month. These leads are in the legal practice areas of motor vehicle accident, workers compensation, general personal injury, medical malpractice, social security disability as well as mass tort litigation such as Xarelto, Talcum Powder, IVC Filters, Roundup, 3M Ear Plugs, and Hernia Mesh.

To learn more about CaseClients, visit us at or contact as at

About Admediary LLC

Admediary was created by a team of industry leaders in New York and California, with a proven track record of success in online and offline marketing within start-up and Fortune 500 companies.  The team has decades of experience in offer development, performance-based media buying, and a deep knowledge of client KPI optimization.

Convert Believers! The Psychology of Personal Injury Marketing & Sales

Posted on May 17, 2019 by

Categories: Psychology of Personal Injury Marketing Uncategorized

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The key to persuading more perspective clients is using the right message in your marketing. It’s your message and delivery that will convert a viewer to a believer. The viewers are simply window shopping but the believers are the ones who will spend money with you!  To get your message and delivery right, you’ll need to understand several psychological triggers of your personal injury client.

To help you write effective copy for your website, printed material, or just enhance your conversations with your client over the phone or in person you should utilize language and techniques that pull at the customer’s heart strings.

Here are five things you can do to convert viewers to believers:

  1. Listen to the pain, but focus on the pleasure

First, listen carefully to your client’s issue. Acknowledge. Repeat what you’ve heard. Empathize.  Proceed to tell them how you will take care of them, how you will help make things right. You’re like Mom to a sick child! In your personal injury case, you can’t promise to take away the physical pain but you can address their psychological pain by making the manufacturer pay for what they did to your client. Or the drunk driver who gave them a severe spinal injury. It’s you and your client verses them. Justice is a nice cash settlement and the pleasure your client is seeking. Once they “believe” you’re the one that can deliver this pleasure, you’ll be all set to get the retainer and collect your fees.

  • Stress the fear of losing out.

Many times a client wants a free consultation to give them insight so they can negotiate a settlement on their own or go somewhere else. Yet because people are wired to equate losing something we have is being worse than missing out on something, be sure to frame your approach so that the accident victim thinks they might lose out on a bigger settlement by trying to negotiate on their own because of your knowledge on how insurance companies handle claims and how they can take advantage a person’s lack of knowledge and experience with the law. They need a lawyer. They need you!

  • Use stories!

Since the dawn of time people are wired to enjoy good stories. Use a personal story to allow the client to feel or imagine the same pleasure relief as the person(s) at the center of your story. A good story and told well will increase the dopamine level in your client’s brain. You can use this power as a means to foreshadow (without promising) the pleasure they will receive if they use your service and you win the case or achieve a large settlement for them, just like the person from your story.

  • Use scarcity and urgency.

Every retailer does it so why not you? Stress there’s a limited time to receive X benefits from acting now over waiting.  The sooner they get started with you, the faster you can achieve their reward! Use things like “if you don’t file your claim by X, you might miss out on the opportunity”. “We’re offering a free seminar on this topic on Saturday. Only 100 seats, first come, first serve, and it’s almost full. Again, it’s the feeling of missing out on something that makes people act. Us this and your conversion rates will skyrocket!

  • Social Media is Word of Mouth

Before the Internet, everyone used to toss out “word of mouth” marketing. Now’s it’s “social media”. You’ve got to know this and be exceptional at it! By nature, we’re wired to follow the crowd. If a friend, neighbor, maybe 100’s of others who we don’t even know, are doing something, we want try it too. We don’t want to miss out.  Use social media to share reviews and testimonials. The more convincing your social footprint, the more powerful your message. Do this right and you’ll have clients pounding down the door to give you more business.

Try to utilize a few of these tips and you should see more business and improved conversion rates for your law firm. Contact CaseClients today to get high quality, validated direct sourced leads for your firm.